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Analogue Synth Performance Control

Eurorack module outputs

The Wangulator can control virtually any combination of synth modules including VCOs, filters, and VCAs in both Eurorack and other panel formats.


Five faders, each with their own switchable voltage range and response curve, can connect to any of the following to give simultaneous control of any five parameters...

Example 1: Connect each fader to VCO frequency, LFO rate, LFO amount, VCF amount and VCA amount...

Example 2: Wire each fader to a VCA, or voltage controlled mixer and you've got a mixer...

Example 3: Patch four of the faders to a Quad Sequential Switch such as the Doepfer A-151 and you have a 4 step CV sequencer...

Example 4: Connect each trigger output to an envelope generator controlling pink noise with a VCF and VCA and you have a 2 channels of percussion...

Example 5: We like experimenting with the Erica Synths Black Stereo Delay, so why not connect the Wang faders to some of the Erica Delay inputs such as Time CV, Feedback CV and Mix CV inputs for real time control with one hand...

Example 6: Wangulator doesn't just have to be used with analogue modular synths - We're currently experimenting with controlling parameters in Ableton Live...










                                                 ... and MIDI








Wangulator at the Mod Cafe
Reverb link
Wang Design
Wangulator Company Logo

At Wang Synth Control our mission is to produce innovative and inspiring products to keep the spirit of true analogue electronic music synthesis alive!

Specifications of our products are subject to change without prior notice, although we endeavour to keep all info and images on this website up to date as much as possible

Digisound 80, Wangulator, Knobulator, Wang Synth Control, plus all images & content of this website are all © Copyright Tim Higham 2020 All Rights Reserved Video Creatives Ltd

Company no. 08478898 registered in England & Wales    Registered Office 75-77 Milson Road,  London W14 0LH   VAT reg no. 152694495​   EORI no. GB152694495000


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